Friday, August 10, 2007

Hold the phone...

Need I even say this, but, Google-powered cell phones?!?!! It's been a long time coming, and it looks like the time has almost come. Should Google be able to adequately integrate mobile internet browsing technology, one just might be looking at the future of mobile communication/computing. They say the phone should operate Linux software, and it wouldn't surprise me in the least if Google were fine-tuning this phone to operate in sync with its suite of online services. Though it's just personal speculation, this would be the coolest thing, ever. No more need to synchronize your phone and your computer's calendar, contacts, or anything, because it's all stored on the internet. Not to mention, it'll probably look the same on the phone and your desktop, instead of being dumbed down to HTML-only as with most mobile devices.
Either way, I think I just planned my first cell phone purchase.

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