Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Obligatory Introduction

Chances are that most anyone who's going to read this will do so because you know me personally, but if not, I feel the need to at least make sure the rest get the idea who I am. I'm 20 years of age, and am about to be attending my first year of college. I'll be majoring in Computer Software Engineering at Vermont Tech, and will then (hopefully) launch into a fulfilling career in the one field that has always interested me. Computers.
Sure, I have other blogs, namely a livejournal, but I've never exactly been thrilled sharing my opinions of technology and such alongside the drudgery that comprises your every-day journal entry. I figured that by separating the two, I might better be able to put forth my opinion (in both regards) in a more relevant way. I may seem a bit cynical, extremist, or sarcastic at times, and it's probably pretty accurate to label me as such.

It was once my perspective that opinions were ultimately useless. Stating that "I prefer cheesecake" as another states "I do not prefer cheesecake" was seemingly pointless. I've recently come around to respect opinions however. It's since occurred to me that, in point of fact, concept, which is to say ethereal thought, may well be the only true universal constant. Well beyond the destruction of corporeal cheesecake, the concept of liking or disliking said cheesecake will still, however irrelevantly, exist. And hence, perhaps in some form or another, the myriad people behind said opinions may still exist. Mmm, cheesecake. So I figure, even though what I am contributing may get lost in a raging sea of thought, I will have still contributed, and that's something.

1 comment:

Penthouse Pat said...

"Nathan Detroit: Still, you will admit that Mindy's cheesecake is the greatest alive.
Sky Masterson: Gladly. Furthermore, I am quite partial to Mindy's cheesecake.
Nathan Detroit: Would you not agree that Mindy's cheesecake is the best cheesecake alive?
Sky Masterson: It is my understanding that the Constitution of the United States allows everybody the free choice between cheesecake and strudel. " - Guys and Dolls

More links, I want to be able to read up on what your talking about :-P your opinions count but they need to have some substance